Nature for life
NataVéa is a brand dedicated to dietetics with products to pamper ourselves and take care of our health made exclusively from natural solutions.
Its Zen&Slim range of products is dedicated to slimness with an original and proven approach. Its food supplements combine a slimming action, with an action against stress; taking note that stress is one of the main reason for losing battles against putting weight on.
Phone. 09 81 00 72 72
Mail : info@natavea.com

Fundamentally natural, resolutely innovative
Naturège is a French laboratory created in 1999 and dedicated to the designing of fully natural food supplements made from plants, vitamins and minerals (Phytalia® and Hydronal® range), as well as complexes made from essential oils and botanical actives (Axafolia® range). These products benefit from our latest researches in nutrition.
Naturège selects all its ingredients according to the content of their active ingredients and the absence of any pollutant.
The laboratories use the Vibraforce process to make its products and to keep 100% of their active molecules.
We also make sure not to use unnecessary packaging, some compatible with Vibraforce and containing a full treatment for genuine effectiveness.
Naturège products are exclusively distributed in independent health stores, where expert advice is provided. You can also find them online at hyperbio.com or tresordesabeilles.com
Tel. 04 74 60 72 72
Mail : info@naturege.com

Vibratory energy from the beehive
Created 40 years ago, L’Axe bio laboratory is now specialised in apitherapy with a range of products made with royal jelly, propolis and pollen.
All our products are made following a very strict specification: the ingredients come from a production respecting fully organic natural cycles. L’Axe bio is also very attached to a French bee-friendly apiculture.
The efficiency of our products has been tested and approved. Our customers’ satisfaction has been proving it from the beginning.
All our products go through the Vibraforce® process.
Tel. 04 74 50 25 27
Mail : info@laxebio.com